Picture of Krys travel clinic

Kry Reiseklinikken

Welcome to our travel clinic at St. Olavs plass in central Oslo.

Here you can get travel vaccines and advice from experienced health personnel, adapted for your particular trip.

With expertise in tropical and travel medicine, we ensure that you are well equipped for a safe and worry-free trip.

Call us if you can't find an available appointment online – we may have openings that are not shown in the calendar.

Book vaccine appointment

Opening hours




22 99 15 80


St. Olavs Plass 3

0165 Oslo

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Find us here

You'll find us at St. Olavs Plass 3, right in the city center and close to the Scandic Hotel Edderkoppen Scene.

Travel vaccinations in Oslo

We assist you, no matter what kind of trip you are going on. If you are planning a safari or any other journey involving high risk, we have specialized expertise in this. We have all travel vaccines in stock, including the new vaccine against dengue fever.

Kry Travel Clinic is led by Dr. Gunnar Hasle, a specialist in infectious diseases with over 30 years of experience. Here, you can get assistance with everything related to tropical medicine, altitude and diving sickness, wilderness medicine, and traveler safety

Our services

Vaccination Tropical, wilderness, and maritime medicine Travel certificates and "Fit for travel" assessments Advice on safety and health for travelers Advice on altitude and diving sickness Seafarer's certificate and offshore certificate

How much does it cost?

The total price for vaccination is composed of:

  • Hourly rate
  • Price for each vaccine
  • Administration fee per vaccine
See price list

How it works

Call us on 22 99 15 80 if you can't find an appointment that suits you, you don't have a Norwegian social security number or you need to book an appointment for a seaman's or offshore certificate.

Choose book appointment

You will be sent to our booking partner, PasientSky. Ring oss hvis du ikke finner ledig time i kalenderen - det kan hende vi har ledig time likevel.

Choose "timetype" and "behandler"

We advice you to check all our treaters (behandlere), if you can't find an available appointment.

Tell us where you're going

Please write where you're going in the comment field – that way we can prepare ourselves before you arrive.

Book vaccine appointment

Read more

Gunnar Hasle er spesialist i infeksjonsmedisin med over 30 års erfaring.

Travel vaccinesTravelling when pregnantTraveling with underlying illnessMalariaTraveling to Thailand?Dengue fever vaccineSafe sex on holiday

Which vaccines do I need?

Here you can read about recommended travel vaccines for various destinations. We follow FHI's recommendations and do not give you more vaccines than you need.

Expertise in travel and maritime medicine

Gunnar Hasle

Gunnar Hasle started the Travel Clinic in 1999. With a background as senior physician in the infectious diseases department at Ullevål Hospital, studies and extensive experience in tropical and travel medicine, he works actively with public information work in the field.

Hasle has personally trained the staff at the clinic, and sets high standards for professional competence so that patients receive the information they need and no more vaccines than necessary.

Maritime medicine

If you are going to work on ships, oil platforms or trawlers, you must present a doctor's certificate stating that you are in good enough health to perform your job at sea and are not a threat to safety on board.

We have two authorized seamen's doctors and a petroleum doctor at the Kry Reiseklinikken who carry out such health examinations, and issue seaman's, pilot's and offshore health certificates.

Call us to book an appointment. Price: 2500 NOK


If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please contact us on 22 99 15 80 or post@reiseklinikken.no.

Gunnar Hasle


Kari Marte Føinum

Clinic Manager

Directions to Kry Reiseklinikken

St. Olavs Plass 30165 OsloDirection