Illustration of Krys universe

Kry for companies

Available health services for your employees, gathered in one place

Contact us

Choose the services that best meet your needs

You have the flexibility to put together the services your employees have access to. Below are three examples of what it might look like. Our offer applies to companies with a minimum of 100 employees.

Quick health care?

For companies that only need the most necessary.

From NOK 64/ month per employee
  • 24/7 Healthline
  • Digital psychologist
Select package

Mental Health

For companies that need to focus on employees' mental health.

From NOK 95/ month per employee
  • 24/7 Health phone
  • Mental self-help program
  • Digital doctor
  • Digital psychologist
Select package

Full coverage

For companies that need both digital and physical services.

From NOK 149/ month per employee
  • 24/7 Health phone
  • Mental self-help program
  • Digital doctor
  • Digital psychologist
  • Physical treatment
Select package

With our wide range of health services, together we can tailor a solution that meets your needs.

Get in touch today for a non-binding price offer

A large part of short-term sick leave in Norway is due to unavailable health care and public capacity. With a digital tool, employees can take care of their own health when symptoms occur, and get advice and help from clinicians with the capacity and time to help.

Nina Wiggen, Chief Medical Director of Kry

Why choose Kry?

No administration for the employer

Always short waiting times and good capacity

Nationwide and cost effective


Employees book themselves, without reference

Reduce employee turnover

Create an attractive workplace

Work proactively with employee health

What can your company save by reducing sick leave by 10%?

A company with 500 employees with a national average in salary and sickness absence of 6.75%, spends an average of NOK 22 million a year on sickness absence. If it is reduced by 10%, it means more than NOK 2 million saved in the year.

It feels good to have started with measures that have been part of a strategic work. We are confident that this offer will give us safer managers and lower absenteeism in the long run.

Kristin Arnkværn, Head of HR at Olivia

Olivia is aiming for a decrease in sick leave

Clinic for companies

At our clinic in Vika, we offer everything from regular health checks, to medical, nursing and psychological help.

Read more here

About Kry

Kry offers a broad and digital health service to private individuals, companies and insurance companies, and has been in Norway since 2017.

We have around 90 skilled doctors, psychologists and nurses with Norwegian authorization.

With over 6 million completed video consultations, Kry is Europe's largest digital health service.