Kry for GPs
This is how we assist GP's
Kry offers flexible and convenient solutions for doctors who want to focus on patient care without the operational aspects of running a practice.
How we help

Digital substitute for GPs
Get access to an experienced general practitioner who, after an initial familiarization phase, conducts video and e-consultations with your patients. The substitute doctor can be scheduled on fixed days or as needed.

Digital reception
Experienced nurses improve patient flow at the clinic through smart patient navigation. They handle phone inquiries, assess symptoms, provide medical advice, and ensure the appropriate level of care—all without being physically present.
Other services
Gardermoen Health Center
Ragnar Strøms Veg 4, 2067 JESSHEIM
What we help with

Sundgata health center
Sundgata 12, 6003 ÅLESUND
Kry, in collaboration with Sundgata Health Center, has established a new and modern GP clinic in Ålesund. Kry has assisted with the setup of new practices and manages key operational areas such as support staff, facilities, lab and medical supplies, telephony, digital solutions, and the clinic's daily operations. The GPs at Sundgata Health Center report greater flexibility in their workdays, less time spent on administrative tasks, and more time for their patients.

Healthcare professionals on Kry
The team at Kry is innovative and dares to think outside the box, while also being receptive to me as a doctor and an expert in my field. Working with Kry has made my daily routine smoother, giving me more time to focus on my patients.

GP at Gardermoen Health Centre
Kry has proven that there are other ways to run a general practice. Now I can focus on actually being a doctor, not an economist, employer, janitor, or "IT expert." I also have more free time where I can completely disconnect and do what I love most: skiing, cycling, and surfing!

GP at Gardermoen Helsesenter
I am used to hectic workdays and high pressure in a medical practice. Since I started at Gardermoen, I have seen how smart operational measures give us more pleasant workdays and satisfied patients. We have also received feedback that our patients rarely visit the emergency room, which indicates that we are able to help those who need it. It feels good to be able to provide patients with the accessibility and healthcare they deserve!

Nurse at Gardermoen Helsesenter

Click the links to read
- Kjersti var på vei ut av fastlegeyrket - så tok hun en telefon til Kry - Velferdsmiks.no
- Skal bidra til å løse fastlegekrise - Sunnmørsposten
- Åpner nytt fastlegesenter i Ålesund - Aesby.no
- Flytter inn på senteret fordi det er behov for flere - Mitt Jessheim
- Sundgata helsesenter har åpnet - Bypatrioten.no
- Uforløst potensial for å avlaste en hardt presset fastlegeordning - Dagens medisin
- Hvordan kan vi bygge en mer bærekraftig fastlegeordning? - Dagens medisin
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